Monday, March 28, 2005


Heard of it? Know what it means? It’s the official term for taking a prisoner in the war against terror and turning them over to a foreign country for torture. “Human rights activists long have charged that U.S. intelligence officers resorted to this practice, known as rendition, as a way to avoid U.S. restrictions prohibiting the torture of prisoners by allowing foreign agents to do so.” - Washington Post. We tend to use Pakistan, as it’s our ally in the war on terror, but we don’t limit ourselves to one destination.

Now the State Department Annual Country Report on Human Rights come out. 96 countries, all get demerits. The ones at the top of the list? Ironaically some of our allies in the war against terror.

The article continues: “"The State Department's carefully compiled record of countries' abuses may perversely have been transformed into a Yellow Pages for the outsourcing of torture," said William F. Schulz, executive director of Amnesty International USA.”

Bush always said he wanted to run the country like a business. He’s finally done it, outsourcing our torture must be the ultimate foreign policy coup for him. The dirty work gets done, off the books with no accountability (the way he likes to run a busines - see GW Bush SEC investigation), and he gets to take the moral high ground and point the finger at these countries for lack of ethics. Our fine attorney general backs him up on the record.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that a large part of the reason things are going so badly in Iraq is that the preparation (such as there was) was carried out by political idealogues with no military experience rather than by military people. This is just another example of this failing.

Ask any general you should happen to run into -- torture is counterproductive. The information gathered through torture is usually incorrect. (Basically, people will say whatever they think you want to hear in order to get you to stop torturing them.)

3:18 AM, March 29, 2005  

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