Thursday, August 25, 2005

Gutsy Kid

Un-named soldier who had the balls to take this picture, understanding the world of S$!T that will come down on him when anyone in command sees it. On the other hand, he's already in Iraq, what that's worse can they do to him?

Wasn't it about eight months ago that Rumseld was embarrassed on location when a soldier at an open press briefing stood up and asked when they'd be getting armor that was sorely needed?

Isn't Bush's whole appeal the CEO president and his CEO friends running government correctly, finally, and towing the bottom line and making every cent count?

Why can't they attack the right country? And when they do, why can't they supply enough troops, and supply them with enough equipment? And 2 and a half years later still have this nagging problem? On the other hand Rumsfeld calls this an upgraded army, more efficient supposedly, better trained. And I suppose they're downsizing while upgrading! The directions are simple: shrink to fit a larger area, un-equip, repeat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly Phil, I'm suprised the poor guy isn't wearing his sign. It would afford about the same protection his government is extending him. It's an absolute disgrace what's happening.

3:49 PM, August 25, 2005  
Blogger Phil said...

That's really funny, boni, and the second I started laughing I just wanted to cry.

6:04 PM, August 25, 2005  
Blogger United We Lay said...

This is scary. This war is tearing my heart out.

7:33 AM, August 26, 2005  
Blogger United We Lay said...

We had to tell a Senator we would inform the media because my cousin's unit wasn't getting enough water. They got one 24 oz. bottle a day for a week, but when we threatened to call the press, they seemed to find a big truck full of water bottles.

7:54 AM, August 27, 2005  
Blogger Phil said...

Are you sh$&ing me? Is that really not a typo? One 24 oz. bottle of water a day for a week? Call the damn media anyway, why is that not a page one story, and how many other poor bastard's units are the same shape, but no one there has a cousin smart enough to call a Senator and threaten them? I'm not kidding. That should be a story.

1:53 AM, August 28, 2005  

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