The Dominoes Continue to Fall
Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve Drilling plan DROPPED from budget bill.
Getting the feeling that Bush is a little bit radioactive? And that his own side is beginning to sidestep and shuffle away from him? "Who'll join me on my photo op in Pennsylvania? Show of hands? No one? Hello - the room's empty?" (Rick Santorum has already made a point of stating he's not joining Bush in his own state on Veteran's day - Democratic Underground,) Hello, Rick is the #3 Republican in the Senate.
(Also New Mexico GOP has said they don't want Bush to come right now and campaign on immigration...these will be the first of many)
I mean, you can't top showing up to campaign for your GOP brother, the candidate for Governor of Virginia, and then he loses the next day.
You know the old Laurel and Hardy joke when they're soldiers in a long line of soldiers and the sergeant asks for volunteers and everyone else takes a step back except them? Watch the GOP step back from their genius leader.
Politics is rarely pretty, and selfishness and me-first is not uncommon. But the GOP has so drenched themselves in the coating of "values", "unity", "if you're not with us you're against us" "America first - we're here for you", that their sudden fractious splitting and everyone running for the hills, seems to play with a particular hypocrisy. Link
WASHINGTON - House leaders late Wednesday abandoned an attempt to push through a hotly contested plan to open an Alaskan wildlife refuge to oil drilling, fearing it would jeopardize approval of a sweeping budget bill Thursday....Wow. Shouldn't someone set up a net to catch the falling poll numbers, second term agenda hallmarks and empty phrases like "political capital?"
...The actions were a stunning setback for those who have tried for years to open a coastal strip of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, to oil development, and a victory for environmentalists...
--msnbc (link from crooks and liars)
Getting the feeling that Bush is a little bit radioactive? And that his own side is beginning to sidestep and shuffle away from him? "Who'll join me on my photo op in Pennsylvania? Show of hands? No one? Hello - the room's empty?" (Rick Santorum has already made a point of stating he's not joining Bush in his own state on Veteran's day - Democratic Underground,) Hello, Rick is the #3 Republican in the Senate.
(Also New Mexico GOP has said they don't want Bush to come right now and campaign on immigration...these will be the first of many)
I mean, you can't top showing up to campaign for your GOP brother, the candidate for Governor of Virginia, and then he loses the next day.
You know the old Laurel and Hardy joke when they're soldiers in a long line of soldiers and the sergeant asks for volunteers and everyone else takes a step back except them? Watch the GOP step back from their genius leader.
Politics is rarely pretty, and selfishness and me-first is not uncommon. But the GOP has so drenched themselves in the coating of "values", "unity", "if you're not with us you're against us" "America first - we're here for you", that their sudden fractious splitting and everyone running for the hills, seems to play with a particular hypocrisy. Link
Yes - and hopefully 2006 paves the way and gets people up to speed.
I agree that the Repulican party does have some major players that aren't exactly making the majority of the people proud. But lumping all Republicans into one big waste of space group isn't the right thing to do. And at the risk of stepping on toes, remember that pride comes before a fall. Your guy eight years ago wasn't exactly the picture of honesty and integrity so cautious optimism might be in order for 2008.
Instead of complaining what the GOP's not doing for you, ask instead: what the hell are the Democrats offering? Hillary? If that's all, then you guys should be really worried: microwave oven ideas from the '90's. Pretty sad.
democratic ideas: help the vets medical coverage and post-war support, stop torture, stop the war, improve FEMA, bar right wing judges from the supreme court so they don't limit freedoms, stop ANWR drilling (done!), stop social security "reform" and destruction (done!), stop continued tax cutting or making the 5 tax cuts signed into law for the rich and powerful permanent (done!), demand accountability on Plamegate (done!), demand accountability on the 9/11 report (Reid shut down congress and got the GOP to give a deadline - done!), seems they're doing okay by me so far. Peter can list a few GOP second term agendas if he can find any, I think they've all been dropped to the cutting room floor.
I love the hysteria surrounding left-wing "thinking": "More secrecy? (and Clinton didn't have secrets? Especially the kind involving rape?) ... More... lies?" Tell me boni, do you still see the boogeyman too?
Philip, you sound like a sound individual (I know you guys don't really like that word), but instead of stopping, or to use a boni expression "stonewalling" on things like social security, how are the Dems offering a solution to a seriously crumbling system? Are they thinking outside of the box on these or other issues that they seem to be "stonewalling"? Or is it more of the same...?
Problem is the Democrats seems to be a boring organization out of touch with the rest of America (outside of La-La Land, NY, Mass). In truth, any other party in any other country should be destroying the GOP, but, I fear for you fellows out there on the left, in '06 and '08, nothing will change. Why? The Dems are simply out of touch.
sorry boni
I'm not in fear, nor crawling out of the woodwork.
I'm just tired of people like you bemoaning the fact the world you live in, the country you live in, is so horrible.
You wax about the deaths of 2,000 soldiers, tragic indeed, yet men and women who chose to serve the U.S. Who chose to protect their country. Who all died for a cause. Now, do me a favorand peek to your neighbors, in Montreal Canada, who saw a tragedy this past spring/summer where 1,800 people lost their lives because of a virus that spread through a couple of hospitals. A virus they could have prevented through proper hygiene. 1,800 people. Spring through summer.
Or what about North Korea?
Or what about the poets, homosexuals and others in Cuba? Locked up in jails. For what?
The United States is far from perfect. This administration less so. But to hear you and the people like you, you would think the sky is falling.
Finally! someone on this sight with a smidgen of intelligence!
Oh brother. Boni lobbed a great point there Peter, two previously embedded GOP supporters decrying Bush/Cheney's endless screw ups. Why do they hate America so much? Isn't that your point? Clearly, these chief of staffs and national security advisors are not patriots.
Or is it just me if I make the same points?
Just asking.
"I'm just tired of people like you bemoaning the fact the world you live in, the country you live in, is so horrible."
Okay, so if my dad spends my allowance money, do I get to point that out and say - hey, wrong move? But if I do, do I hate my dad? Of course not.
You think any dissent equals complete hate? Your ground rules for feedback and critique is NO feedback and critique? Just trying to get a ballpark sense of your reasonsing.
"You wax about the deaths of 2,000 soldiers, tragic indeed, yet men and women who chose to serve the U.S. Who chose to protect their country. Who all died for a cause." Noble, beautifully said. Yet what makes it so tragic is that they were all lied to, we were all lied to, and congress was lied to, so it's not the invasion of Normandy anymore and literally saving the free world. It's dying for Bush's narcissitic game of let me one up my dad in the history books and get those oil fields.
"Now, do me a favorand peek to your neighbors, in Montreal Canada, who saw a tragedy this past spring/summer where 1,800 people lost their lives because of a virus that spread through a couple of hospitals. A virus they could have prevented through proper hygiene. 1,800 people. Spring through summer."
Yes - you're comparing this to the loss of Americans in the war? Is that right? Trivializing their brutal deaths as they ran head first into fire zones to protect YOU, with an epidemic in Canada? Your point is - what? People die? Like the 10,000 who've died from the FEMA failure in NO? Yes, people die. It happens all the time. So why ship healthy youn innocent Americans who've dedicated their lives to their country into a charnal house based on fraudulent intel? I think that's the point. You can't get away from a deadly flu if it's in the room with you, or a hurricaine the size of rhode island if you're poor or disabled - that's not your fault. You can avoid being shot by the locals if your government did it's homework and didn't send you into the wrong country. that's what I'm pissed off about - aren't you? Why not? Don't I get to say that?
"Or what about North Korea?" - yes, nuclear power we ignored, refused to have relations with and Bolton antagonized. Your point? They suck? You're right. So?
"Or what about the poets, homosexuals and others in Cuba? Locked up in jails. For what?" For all the wrong reasons. Like half the prisoners at Abu Ghairab. That's what kills me about the prisons there, we're becoming country that you hate for reasons that you just posed like about Cuba. Doesn't that piss you off? And Cheney wants torture, wants to add a rider to McCain's ammendment against torture stating "unless it's absolutely neccessary" thereby cancelling it out? You know McCain's response? "I was tortured. It doesn't work."
"The United States is far from perfect." I think mos of the US if fine. "This administration less so." Ah - we agree on somehting.
"But to hear you and the people like you, you would think the sky is falling."
Well, when Clinton had a record surplus, job growth, high tech sector, lowest interest rates in decades, highest conusmer confidence, going full steam, to hear people like you go on about his personal life screw up, you would think the sky was falling. I'm getting nostalgic for a President who I felt knew what the hell he was doing in office.
I"m thinking you might too with your "any other party in any other country would be tearing the GOP apart" line. You read Bucanan lately? He's just taken a hatchet to Dear George. The guy's just bad news. I think you feel the same way to some degree. Endless blind support is beginning to come off as just looking well - what was it you said? "out of touch." yes, that was it.
fortunately Clinton's record ran with Regan-nomics; any original idea he had was shot-down before fruition (medicare, anyone?).
But most of all, Islamo-fascists failed to attract much attention from the Clinton Administration, even after the WTC bombing, embassy and military attacks and even Usama coming straight out and saying "We are at war with America." Not even that could rouse Clinton away from his double Big Macs and Cigar collection!
I wonder, how would Clinton handle 9/11? Bomb a few asprin factories in Afghanistan, as he did to IRAQ during Monica-gate? Iraq...? Hmmm, interesting...
What other country could be attacked on home soil, right in the financial heart of the country and rebound? What's unemployment and job growth at right now? Please, have a look. Then please, check to the closest neighbors: Mexico and Canada: high unemployment, standard of living that is far below that of Americans. While you're at it, check out the more enlightened European countries, France and Germany.
Most of the world could not sustain such an attack as 9/11, yet you compare the relative (blind) peace of the Clinton era and the wake-up call post 9/11!
Clinton knew about the threats, hell most of the world did as well. But he chose to ignore it...
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