Party Line Dissent Still Punished
Our local church, of all things, is now coming under fire from the IRS. All Saints Church in Pasadena has been informed they may lose their tax exempt status (brutal for a church to survive without) for political activism. Turns out the sermon by the visiting ex-pastor, beloved in the community, (which we heard) was promoting peace and was anti-war. It was not anti-president, and not anti-country. I think the sermon's point was. "War is bad, isn't it? Jesus liked peace, didn't he? So wouldn't it be great to be more like Jesus?"
And the IRS has put them on the chopping block.
So promoting peace is now punishable by the machine of the Bush Government during war time? Is peace really that bad an idea? And is peace political - and by inference - now owned by the Democratic party, since it seems deemed to be so anti-Republican by this IRS action?
And what about the churches documented using their phone trees to call all congregants to get out the vote for Bush in 2004? Were they punished?
The answer of course is no.
I think it's time for a major recycling campaign. I'm going to look in the GOP garbage can and look at what they've tossed out. I might find something still worth using, something that could be used again. Hmmm....let's see: Peace. Prosperity. Personal Freedom.
Not bad.
I could dust these off, and use these again, I'm sure.
2006, baby. 2008. Watch the wheels come off and the bus tossed out.
(also at Democratic Underground) Link
And the IRS has put them on the chopping block.
So promoting peace is now punishable by the machine of the Bush Government during war time? Is peace really that bad an idea? And is peace political - and by inference - now owned by the Democratic party, since it seems deemed to be so anti-Republican by this IRS action?
And what about the churches documented using their phone trees to call all congregants to get out the vote for Bush in 2004? Were they punished?
The answer of course is no.
I think it's time for a major recycling campaign. I'm going to look in the GOP garbage can and look at what they've tossed out. I might find something still worth using, something that could be used again. Hmmm....let's see: Peace. Prosperity. Personal Freedom.
Not bad.
I could dust these off, and use these again, I'm sure.
2006, baby. 2008. Watch the wheels come off and the bus tossed out.
(also at Democratic Underground) Link
I heard the DoJ is investigating this Jesus guy for treasonous remarks.
After all, He's either with us, or with the terrorists.
Jehovah Witnesses have always been against war. They do not salute the flag, recite the Pledge of Alligence, or sing the National Anthem. Does their church recieve tax exempt status?
Just curious?
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