Thursday, November 24, 2005

An Update on the El Tee

Just got a call. He's doing very well, considering.

Considering he's been up for two days. He's in charge of two shifts, and sometimes when things get a little aggravated, he'll work both shifts. He usually tries to make his hours overlap, so that he's around for at least half of both shifts, but when things get a little dicey, he goes round-the-clock.

He had his Thanksgiving meal off-base, with some Bedouins. He made sure his troops got fed, and since it was crowded, decided to go elsewhere. He was closed-mouth about what he ate, simply saying it was edible.

His troops love him. The upper brass less so. He'd probably be fired, except his flight always has the best ratings. He demands no less from them, or himself. When the Base Commander came out to meet the airmen today, there was supposed to be some sort of 'hoo-ah' response from each flight. All the other flights gave the appropriate response. When it was his flight's turn, apparently, they responded (on their own) with my son's mantra when he's on duty:

"We run this shit!"

It's a good thing he doesn't want to make the military his career.

He was aware of the kerfuffle in Congress, but didn't want to talk about it, except to say: "When it comes to assessing the military, I tend to side with the guy with the most metal on his chest."

Of course, what else would you expect from a guy whose nickname is now "Lieutenant Trouble?"

I'm so proud of him.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that they call him Lt. Trouble. I'm glad you got some good news from him. Happy Thanksgiving BP

9:09 PM, November 24, 2005  
Blogger United We Lay said...

Good for him! I think of him often and hop emy good thoughts find hom somewhere. I got in a lot of trouble in the AF, which is why I never got comissioned.

1:20 PM, November 26, 2005  

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