Monday, March 27, 2006

How Did He Say This Without His Tongue Bursting Into Flames?

Bush on the immigration reform debate:

“The immigration debate should be conducted in a civil and dignified way,” the president said as the Senate prepared to tackle the hot-button election issue of what to do with the nation’s estimated 11 million illegal immigrants this week.

Translation: you guys have to play nice while we sic our attack dogs on you.



Blogger Cranky Yankee said...

I'm torn on this issue.

On the one hand the people in question are here illegally and are taking jobs at a pay rate that deflate wages and makes it impossible for Americans to take those jobs and feed their families at a decent standard of living.

On the other hand is the modern slavery perpetrated by Corporate America and its's trickle down minions that use this labor at a fraction of what they would be required to pay Americans who need to feed their fmailies. All the while feeding Anti-immigrant racism in the less enlightened Americans as a way to wedge us apart and blind us to the real issue which is the top 1% greed.

It's always GREED people!

3:33 PM, March 30, 2006  
Blogger Balloon Pirate said...

Greg Saunders over at The Talent Show ( a novel idea to solve the immigrant problem:

Pay farmworkers more money.

Raise the rate for picking lettuce high enough, and American workers will do it. Right now, the works being done by illegal immigrants, which gives the farmers the double bonus of paying substandard wages while sloughing off the costs of health care as well.

And the savings that are passed on to the consumer were around .2%, according to the center for immigration studies.

Greed is the word, indeed.


6:03 PM, March 30, 2006  
Blogger TStockmann said...

Since the Republicans are divided on this issue, I think Bush meant it - too much of the fighting is taking place within his house.

8:18 PM, April 03, 2006  
Blogger United We Lay said...

I think right now we really need to be taking care of our own. I sympathize with the illegal immigrants, but my people are hngry, jobless, getting sub-par education and health care, and mot making wages that keep up with inflation. I don't care about anyone else right now. My people need help, and the stronger we are as a nation, the better we are able to help others.

8:08 AM, April 16, 2006  
Blogger Amy Ruiz Fritz said...

I've not been following the current red herring the Bush Administration has thrown into the mainstream media.

The problem is that I can't listen to more than two words Bush says before I start getting pissed off at his sheer stupidity.

9:24 PM, April 28, 2006  
Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

I'm off on The Big Adventure!

See you on the other side!

2:56 PM, April 30, 2006  
Blogger Old Man Rich said...

Thanks to our largely Nazi tabloid press immigration is once again a hot topic in the UK. Despite the fact that we have low unemployment, a shortage of workers in lower paid service jobs and a steadily declining population we apparently have far to many immigrants. And, gasp, some of them are here illegaly, Worse, some of them commit crimes, but worst of all (reading between the lines in the tabloids) some are poor and have brown skin.
Still, had to laugh when it turned out that a number of staff at the home office (responsible for our immigration policy & its enforcement) were in fact illegal imigrants.

5:42 AM, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Daniel Hoffmann-Gill said...

Is this ever coming back?

11:45 AM, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

Money isn't always the issue. There was an article in the LA Times recently which highlighted a business that is primarily a landscaping company which is owned and operated by a republican female. She can not get anyone to work for whopping $34 bucks an hour..thats not a typo..$34 bucks. She does not hire illegals and she verifies their documentation. She requires two things: verifiable doc's to work here and some amount of landscaping background. She is getting NO TAKERS!!!!,0,7635699.story?page=1

If that link is gone I did blog about this story. Its not always money..its the type of work, hard work that our soft citizens no longer will do for ANY amount of money.

3:54 PM, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Cranky Yankee said...

Shit I just got done cutting the greass.I wish somebody paid me $100.00 for the 3 hours I spent working on it.

2:32 PM, May 29, 2006  
Blogger CrystalDiggory said...

What worries me just as much as the woes of illegal immigration, are the jobs being outsourced to different countries. How can the American worker compete with people in other countries willing to work for pennies, or with factories filled with child-workers working for even less? I hear a lot of people complaining about these issues, but not a lot of solutions. Yeah, yeah, that includes me...does anyone have any workable solutions?

6:05 PM, October 05, 2006  
Blogger Lady Liberty said...

I'm still wondering who it is that's over-paying the Secret Service.
Because, he should have been gone long ago.

12:17 PM, November 23, 2006  
Blogger athard said...

The Immigration debate is a lot of BS. Legal immigrants are made to wait before they can get a green card and illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes are getting citizenship. Unfortunately the presidential candidates who are desperate for votes are too scared to take a real stance. They talk about this "path to citizenship" nonsense desperate for votes, but no one has a definite plan. I did a comparison of different candidates and posted it to my site. At first I was an Obama fan, but now I am not sure. Check out 2008 Presidential Candidates. It has all the information you'd want to know but you'll be more dissappointed than pleased.

7:06 PM, July 15, 2007  

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