Thursday, March 31, 2005
He's There For Terri
Pre-Emptive Strike Policy Gets Pre-Menopausal
GOP Continues to Overide States Rights
If I'm Erring On The Side Of Life, There Must Be No Planned Executions Today
I bring up that story because it's just one of several ironies that have arisen in connection with the Terri Schiavo saga, in which the president said that the government "ought to err on the side of life." Fine, but whose life? The inmate who might not be guilty? The poor people across the country denied organ transplants (and thus life) because Medicaid—increasingly under the Bush budget knife—won't cover them? The poor people across the world starving to death because we won't go along with Tony Blair when it comes to addressing global poverty?" Thanks to the BalloonPirate for the link. Link
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
We'll Be Coming Around The Bend, Well, No We Won't
I'm In A Police State Of Mind
How Does He Justify It? He Doesn't Care.
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Bush's Second Defeat
Moral Values Rule until the Polls Drop

It's Because He Loves Her
From "In recent days, Michael Schiavo has effectively and credibly pointed out the hypocrisy of mostly right-wing politicians and organizations that have injected themselves into his wife's case. But Schiavo's concern is nothing new. During an October 27, 2003 interview with CNN's Larry King, Schiavo told him that the Schindler's had offered him $700,000 "to walk away."
King: They have that kind of money?
Schiavo: They get money from the right-wing activists. The right wing -- the right-to-life groups.
King: The right-to-life group was willing to pay you $700,000 to walk away?
Schiavo: Right."Link
Scarborough takes his lumps
Scarborough takes his lumps
Seems like much hasn't changed.
Monday, March 28, 2005
Love the War, Screw the Soldier
Now the State Department Annual Country Report on Human Rights come out. 96 countries, all get demerits. The ones at the top of the list? Ironaically some of our allies in the war against terror.
The article continues: “"The State Department's carefully compiled record of countries' abuses may perversely have been transformed into a Yellow Pages for the outsourcing of torture," said William F. Schulz, executive director of Amnesty International USA.”
Bush always said he wanted to run the country like a business. He’s finally done it, outsourcing our torture must be the ultimate foreign policy coup for him. The dirty work gets done, off the books with no accountability (the way he likes to run a busines - see GW Bush SEC investigation), and he gets to take the moral high ground and point the finger at these countries for lack of ethics. Our fine attorney general backs him up on the record. Link
Sunday, March 27, 2005
This is Rich
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Addicted to More
As They Sow, So Shall They Reap
Tell vs. Sell
Pillars of Strength
The conservatives are killing freedom. They’re using good god fearing people to instill fear time and time again. "Your values are being taken, your morality is being taken." The Republican congress cut Medicaid, putting the sick on the street. They passed the bankruptcy bill so that no one can seek protection from financial hardship, they weaken unions, cut taxes for themselves, and hardly for you. It’s the greatest con in the history of our country. Great Opportunists have taken over your leadership. They threaten you with fear, while taking away your ability to fight back.
A house divided, can not stand. Vote Democrat.
Friday, March 25, 2005
Top Reason I'm Burned Out This Week
Thursday, March 24, 2005
They Think "Manipulate, Gain"
See The Trees, or the Forest
"You're doing it again. You're not seeing what is really going on. You are missing the bigger picture. You are looking at trees and missing the forest. Do you really, after all this time and all these defeats, think the Right is stupid?
You mock the Republicans for blatantly acting politically, and ignore that they ARE ACTING POLITICALLY. In other words, they're acting in the way that will in the long term gain them more support for their candidates and issues."
Read the whole thing, he's right and we have to start thinking as "big picture" as they do.
Social Security Roadshow
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Conspiracy Revealed
This from
"Bush, Frist, and DeLay claim that they're acting out of concern for Ms. Schiavo. But a memo intended only for Republican Senators—uncovered by ABC News—reveals Republicans' true concern: "The pro-life base will be excited...this is a great political issue...this is a tough issue for Democrats." This story also takes the heat off Tom DeLay, who is facing a number of serious ethics charges and legal scandals."
Top Reason I'm Paranoid This Week
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Jesus, Buddha, Ghandi and other weak kneed liberals
GOP Out Of Touch
Monday, March 21, 2005
Who Would Jesus Bomb?
We need a better word than "conspiracy"
Save the Woman, kill the funding
"apparently it requires the full power of the gummint to shove one feeding tube down a brain-dead woman's throat. yes! this is the correct use of government power! oh, but wait--how is the husband of this woman supposed to pay for this feeding tube and the concommintant care? didn't the gummint just effectively pull the feeding tube out of medicaid by not funding it? so it's not right to let the body of a woman who hasn't really been around for twenty years to die naturally, but it's also not right to provide the funding necessary to help keep her alive? well, that's ok, the husband can declare bankruptcy, so that he can get some fiscal relief, and then continue his life with a fresh start. oh, but wait--didn't this same gummint just make it nearly impossible for him to do this, by making it much harder to declare said bankuptcy?"
The Palm Sunday Compromise
Just a Little Past Right of the Far Right.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Government is finally working
Saturday, March 19, 2005
GOP conspiracy? Or survival instinct gone bad?
Running to Mommy
Being Paranoid Becomes Easier
Republicans embrace new constituency
What seems to create the shrillest frenzy with these right wingers more than blood in shark-infested waters seems to be – the need to legislate the power over life and death. Keep everything alive regardless of quality of life, or evidence of life - unless you're on death row and you're innocent. Link
Friday, March 18, 2005
Other BPD's on the march
"You forgot to mention, though, that our entire socioeconomic system is predicated on Big Oil/Big Auto (henceforth, BOBA) making money. When we finally squeeze all the oil out of the earth, there will be a paradigm shift that will make the dark ages look like a mild summer hangover. Especially since it looks like that's gonna happen at about the same time that the folks who buy into the Social Security bullshit will find out their retirement plans not worth spit.
But hey--at least there won't be any steroids in baseball!"
Am I being too paranoid?
Terry Schiavo
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Peterson Guilty, Blake Free, Steroids on the Hill, American People Lose
If the Media put the same energy into investigating the Republican Crime Machine, Americans would have cleaner air, healthier water, and a secure social safety net.
Top five reasons I'm burned out this week:
2) Hearing how well the war is going from Fox News and other mainstream media. 1500 dead, elections six weeks ago and no new government, children without fathers, mothers without sons. And now they’ll all be able to get a credit card but not go bankrupt.
3) Hearing Tom DeLay talk about Moral Values.
4) In general, exhaustive conservative bullying on same dead horse issues over and over again regardless of common sense, good taste, or even good manners is always a bit tiring. See Anne Coulter “old arab” statement
5) Refusal of conservatives to stick to one argument, one point or acknowledge reletavistic facts during any single discussion.
But the bright side to this, or course, is that paranoids love that behaviour! In fact it reinforces our world view that everything is wrong and nothing can be trusted. Without such devious and deceitful behaviour starting at the top, we’d have to stop being paranoid, and we’re just not ready to do that.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Five Reasons I'm Paranoid This week
1) Social Security: The President continues to blindly push Social Security reform in the face of statistical odds against it, the “blue dogs” of the senate (conservative democrats) against it, the public polls against it and his own party beginning to retreat from it. Seems like his campaign donors (merryl lynch et. Al. Are still for it).
2) Jeff Gannon: No mainstream press story or official investigation of one the greatest security blunders in post 9/11 washington. Fake journalist/male prostitue Jeff Gannon getting daily passes to the white house for two years. Scott McClellan has a lot of explaining to do, and this burned out paranoid would like to see it in front of a grand jury.
3) FCC crackdown on free speech continues. Soon criticizing the president, or being anti-war (not anti-troop, mind you) will result in a fine and prison time.
4) Repulicans turn the Alaskan National Wildlife Reserve drilling bill into an amendment in the budget bill – so it no longer has to be approved by 2/3 vote in the senate (for which they don’t have the votes) but by a mere majority of 51, of which they do have the votes.
5) Bankruptcy bill that passed the Senate is morally bankrupt, but credit car companies will finally make better profits, going from 150% to 168%. As Bush has already put the burden of supporting the entire country on the backs of the middle class and the poor, we’re going to need those credit cards to keep commerce going. Then when we all go bankrupt, and wall street collapses, Bush will go to his 400 acre ranch and put in a new fence to keep out the poor.
Phil. Link